How to Make Lines Art Neuveu Drawing in Photoshop

In this tutorial y'all'll learn to create a character from children'southward novel "The Wonderful Magician of Oz"—the Expert Witch of the South.

1. Make a Sketch

Step 1

At the beginning, let'south draw a sketch. I was inspired by artists who created in Fine art Nouveau style. To draw a sketch we need to apply recognizable features of our character. In the books, Glinda is the about powerful sorceress of Oz. She is a beautiful young woman with long, wavy pilus and big, blue eyes. She wears a beautiful ball dress with a feather behind her, a gilded crown with stars upon her head, and carries a magic wand that helps her cast only proficient spells to protect Oz.

sketch of a character sketch of a character sketch of a character

Step 2

Create a New document, 600 x 950 px, RGB. And so File > Place your sketch in Adobe Illustrator. Alter the layer proper noun to "sketch". In the Layer Options cull Template and alterDim Images to l%.

new layer for the sketch new layer for the sketch new layer for the sketch

2. Create a Brush and Describe the Contour of the Character

Step 1

Create a New Layer for the lines. Nosotros'll draw all lines in this layer, because all item colors will be the aforementioned.

Step 2

Now allow's create a castor. Make a black ellipse with the Ellipse Tool (L) with 100% fill (Ellipse Options: Width: 100 px; Height: 3 px). Drag this shape to the Brushes panel and become to New Brush > New Art Brush.

Then printing OK, and the window Fine art Brush Options volition appear. Cull the Tints method.

creating of a new art brush creating of a new art brush creating of a new art brush

Stride 3

Let's describe the contour of our grapheme. Choose the Paintbrush Tool (B), and make the trial line. In our case, nosotros'll see that the line is besides thick. Alter its Weight to 0.35 pt on the Stroke panel.

trial of a new art brush trial of a new art brush trial of a new art brush

Step 4

The most convenient method is to start drawing the contour of the confront. Depict lines equally smoothly as you lot similar, following the sketch. Cut unnecessary pieces using the Scissors Tool (C), select the segment and printing Delete.

drawing of the face contour drawing of the face contour drawing of the face contour

Step 5

Next draw the hairstyle, making just the main lines. Later we'll add together details made of very thin lines.

drawing of the hairstyle contour drawing of the hairstyle contour drawing of the hairstyle contour

Step 6

Let's create a brush "string of beads" for the wearing apparel decoration. Employ the ellipse from the diadem. Drag it to the Brushes panel and create a New Pattern Brush every bit shown beneath.

creating of a pattern brush creating of a pattern brush creating of a pattern brush

Step 7

Cull the brush and describe lines to decorate the bodice of the wearing apparel.

applying of a pattern brush applying of a pattern brush applying of a pattern brush

Step viii

Draw the entire graphic symbol using our first art brush. It'south easier to brand some of the long lines on the dress folds using the Pen Tool (P); otherwise use the Paintbrush Tool (B).

drawing of the entire character contour drawing of the entire character contour drawing of the entire character contour

Step 9

On the new layer draw some stars for the skirt decoration. Select each of them and press Command-Yard.

making of the stars making of the stars making of the stars

Step 10

Indistinguishable these stars, pressing Alt, and identify them on the skirt randomly every bit you like. Delete unnecessary details on the creases using the Eraser Tool (Shift-Eastward), diameter: 4-5 pt.

placing of the stars placing of the stars placing of the stars

Stride 11

Brand the "lines" and "dress stars" layers invisible. Now create a New Layer under "lines", and here nosotros'll draw the background lines.

Let'due south brainstorm to create the archway by making a rectangle 280 10 580 px. Use the bones castor for the lines, weight one pt. Select this rectangle and go Issue > Warp > Arc Upper. On the Warp Options console modify the Bend to 100%, and press OK.

Create the inner part of the archway this style, using a rectangle 260 x 580 px.

making of the archway making of the archway making of the archway

Brand a rectangle 280 x 74 px for the upper decorative curvation and apply the options shown below.

making of the upper arch making of the upper arch making of the upper arch

Stride 12

At present permit's create a Pattern Castor for the arch mosaic. Depict a vertical line 10 px long and change the brush options as shown in the screenshot.

creating of a mosaic pattern brush creating of a mosaic pattern brush creating of a mosaic pattern brush

Describe the line exactly in the heart of the 2 arch lines and apply our mosaic brush.

applying of the mosaic brush applying of the mosaic brush applying of the mosaic brush

Pace 13

Create a New Layer for the text. I choseArial Bold font, because its letters are user-friendly and simple for the mosaic design.

Type the discussion "GLINDA" on the circular arc using the Type Tool (T), and change the font size to 42 pt. Then printing the right mouse button and choose Create Outlines. Change the Fill to the Stroke.

work with the font work with the font work with the font

Step fourteen

Now create a Design Brush for the letters the aforementioned way as the previous brush was fabricated for the mosaic. Hither use a vertical line five.5 px long.

creating of a mosaic pattern brush creating of a mosaic pattern brush creating of a mosaic pattern brush

Draw the line in the eye of the letter shape and use the brush nosotros have only created. Make full the empty spaces up using short, straight lines.

applying of the mosaic brush applying of the mosaic brush applying of the mosaic brush

Pace xv

Well, it's time to draw the stars for the background decoration. Create a star using the Star Tool on a New Layer, choosing the size 4 ten 8 px, 5 points. Cut the v internal points of the star using the Scissors Tool (C). So create some additional stars using the commencement i.

making of the stars making of the stars making of the stars

Place some stars on the internal function of archway, changing their size and angle of rotation as you wish. Add some circles for diversity in the end.

placing of the stars placing of the stars placing of the stars

Pace xvi

Now let'due south return to our character. Brand the layers "lines" and "dress stars" visible, merely all the others, including "sketch", invisible.

Create a New Layer over the "lines"; here nosotros'll depict thin lines. Choose our fine art castor and change its Weight to 0.15 pt on the Stroke console. We have to draw the lines where the creases and the shadows are.

a thin lines drawing a thin lines drawing a thin lines drawing

Pace 17

Here is how the character looks at present.

lineart of the character lineart of the character lineart of the character

three. Create the Master Shapes

Pace one

First permit's colour the contour of the character. Select all lines and become to Object > Expand Appearance, filling them with brown color. Select the thin strokes separately and change the Opacity to 70%. Make full the stars with gilt color.

color lineart of the character color lineart of the character color lineart of the character

Make full the groundwork lines with chocolate-brown too.

color lineart of the background color lineart of the background color lineart of the background

Step 2

Now we need to create the swatch of the principal colors. In the books, Glinda is a redhead beauty, her dresses are white or pink, her eye color is blue and the diadem is gold with red diamonds. Cull sky blue and brick colors for the archway.

swatch of the main colors swatch of the main colors swatch of the main colors

Pace 3

Now information technology's time to begin painting. Choose the colors from your swatch. Use thePen Tool (P) for convenience. Kickoff cartoon the master shape following the brush contour. If required, use the Pathfinder panel to Unite shapes or Minus Front end.

main shapes drawing main shapes drawing main shapes drawing

For a convenient work process, we'll create separate layers for each part of the character and the groundwork. Organize the layers as shown in the screenshot below.

organization of the layers organization of the layers organization of the layers

Step four

Here's what we've got at this stage.

main shapes of entire image main shapes of entire image main shapes of entire image

Footstep v

It's time to make the outer contour of the character a bit thicker. Create a New Layer. Select all the layers with lines and principal shapes of our character and re-create them by pressing Control-C. And so go to the "outer contour" layer and printing Control-F.

selection of the character layers selection of the character layers selection of the character layers

At present we'll go to the Pathfinder panel and press Unite.

union of the shapes union of the shapes union of the shapes

Change the Make full to the Stroke. On the Stroke panel choose Align Stroke to Outside.

stroke options stroke options stroke options

I noticed that the outer contour on the magic wand is unnecessary. Delete the excess points using theDelete Ballast Point Tool (-).

deletion of the excess points deletion of the excess points deletion of the excess points

Step 6

Brand the outer contour of the archway thicker following this method. Select the arch shapes, and applyExpand Appearance. Change the Fill to the Stroke and cull Marshal Stroke to Outside.

The main role of the cartoon is washed. Here is how the image looks at present.

main part of the image main part of the image main part of the image

four. Add Shadows and Highlights to the Character

Pace 1

Permit'due south add some book to the face up. First modify the color of the lines of the eyes to make them more than expressive. Delete the outline from the white round shapes.

eyes lines color eyes lines color eyes lines color

Then add together some linear gradients from the main skin colour to peach color on the face up.

linear gradient on the face linear gradient on the face linear gradient on the face

Add the same gradients on the chest and hands.

linear gradient on the skin linear gradient on the skin linear gradient on the skin

Pace 2

Add together some blushes to the nose and cheeks. Create a radial gradient, reducing theOpacity to 0% on the outer slider. Then select all blush shapes and change the Opacity to xx%.

blushes on the face blushes on the face blushes on the face

Step 3

Add together some shadows to the face. Chose the brick color, and reduce the Opacity to 5%. Depict the shapes one on the top of the other using Pencil Tool (North) until you get the desired event.

shadows on the face shadows on the face shadows on the face

Footstep four

Let's choose the color for the falling shades. Select the contour colour using the Eyedropper Tool (I), reduce the Opacity to fifty%, and draw some shadows under the eyes, lips, diadem and hair.

falling shades on the face falling shades on the face falling shades on the face

Stride five

Side by side let'southward add some highlights. Cull the vivid-yellow colour and depict some highlight shapes on the places where light of the magic wand has fallen.

highlights on the face highlights on the face highlights on the face

Add shades from the background. Select the blue color, alter Opacity to five% and describe some shapes on the lighter part of the face.

blue shapes on the face blue shapes on the face blue shapes on the face

Step half dozen

Now nosotros'll get to piece of work on the optics and lips. Describe the center shadows using a blue colour with 30% Opacity. Add together some falling shades nether the eyelashes, and some vivid twinkles.

Get to the layer with lines, select the upper heart line, and fill it with the linear gradient from brown to night-brown, and the lesser line from calorie-free-brown to brownish.

Also change the color of the lines of the lips. The upper role of the lips is shaded, so make it darker. Make volume past drawing a shadow between the lips and adding some highlights to the bottom part.

Add vivid highlight to the eyebrows.

eyes and lips volume eyes and lips volume eyes and lips volume

Stride 7

Draw the aforementioned shadows and highlights on the hands and chest as described above.

hands and chest volume hands and chest volume hands and chest volume

Stride eight

Permit's starting time coloring the hairstyle. Select the upper office of the hair and make full information technology with linear gradient from yellow to orange, and the back part of the hair from orange to brown.

gradient on the hair gradient on the hair gradient on the hair

Draw the shapes of the shadows, and so select them and press Unite on the Pathfinder panel. Fill this shape with vertical linear gradient from orange to chocolate-brown, reducing the Opacity to 75%.

Next describe shapes for the nighttime shadows, unite them and fill with a darker gradient.

shadows on the hair shadows on the hair shadows on the hair

Now describe the highlights using the same steps. Fill the shape with the gradient from low-cal yellow to yellowish, fourscore% Opacity.

In the end, add some blue shapes and gloss to the lightest area of the hair.

highlights on the hair highlights on the hair highlights on the hair

Utilize the same principles to draw the dorsum part of the hairstyle.

volume on the back hair volume on the back hair volume on the back hair

Step 9

It's fourth dimension to add together highlights and shadows to the dress. First colour it with vertical linear gradient from ivory to cream. Apply the aforementioned slope on the sleeves and gloves.

gradient on the dress gradient on the dress gradient on the dress

Footstep ten

Now draw the shapes of the shadows, unite them and fill up with gradient from cream to peach, as y'all can meet beneath.

shadows on the dress shadows on the dress shadows on the dress

Utilise these principles to draw dark shades and highlights, using darker or lighter gradients respectively. Play around with the Opacity where possible.

highlights on the dress highlights on the dress highlights on the dress

Then add some blueish shapes and white gloss to the lightest surface area of the clothes.

gloss on the dress gloss on the dress gloss on the dress

Step 11

Now we'll draw the shawl and belt. They are of the same color, so we'll draw them both at the same time, switching betwixt layers. First color them with the slope from light pink to pink.

gradient on the shawl gradient on the shawl gradient on the shawl

Next use appropriate gradients to draw shadows, fallen shades and highlights. Don't forget near the bluish shades and gloss.

volume on the shawl volume on the shawl volume on the shawl

Step 12

It'south time to add highlights and shadows to the golden details. We'll draw on the "decoration" layer.

Let'due south start from the diadem. Cull an orange color for the shadows and bright yellow for the highlights. Add some blue shapes and gloss. Then choose vino and peach colors for the carmine diamonds. For the white stars utilize the colors of the dress shadows.

volume on the golden details volume on the golden details volume on the golden details

Now we'll brand volume on the chaplet as shown below. Select each of them and press Command-G. Place them on the proper office of the diadem. Draw some shadows under the gilt beads.

volume on the beads volume on the beads volume on the beads

Step 13

We'll add some volume to the dress's decorative elements and magic wand following this method.

volume on the golden elements volume on the golden elements volume on the golden elements

Stride fourteen

It's fourth dimension for the final touch. Let's add together some gloss to the stars on the dress and draw the decorative line on the shawl using our art brush.

final touch final touch final touch

Pace fifteen

Finally our graphic symbol is fix!

ready character ready character ready character

5. Add Shadows and Highlights to the Groundwork

Step 1

First allow'due south fill the blue archway with linear gradient from nighttime to light color.

making of the arch gradient making of the arch gradient making of the arch gradient

Step ii

Let's create some clouds. Describe random shapes, unite and make full them with slope as shown in the screenshot, reducing the Opacity to 50%.

drawing of the first clouds shapes drawing of the first clouds shapes drawing of the first clouds shapes

Echo this procedure a couple of times. Reduce the Opacity to 30% and fifteen% on the adjacent two groups of shapes to brand these clouds blusterous.

drawing of the final clouds drawing of the final clouds drawing of the final clouds

Step 3

Select all stars on the groundwork and fill up them with gold radial gradient.

adding of the gradient to the background stars adding of the gradient to the background stars adding of the gradient to the background stars

Create footling bluish stars to fill the empty spaces of the arch. Depict the star made of 2 parts: a master shape with Opacity 100% and a nighttime-blue shape behind with Opacity 20%. And then select both shapes and press Control-G.

making of the additional background stars making of the additional background stars making of the additional background stars

Change their size and opacity, duplicate them, and motility them as y'all wish. Reduce the opacity of the bottom stars. The lower the star, the less opacity it has.

placing of the blue stars placing of the blue stars placing of the blue stars

Stride 4

Let's decorate the upper function of arch with blueish stars and add some volume to the gold stars.

decoration of the upper arch decoration of the upper arch decoration of the upper arch

Step 5

At present we'll brand the mosaic more variegated. Create some rectangles ten x 10 px and fill them with darker and lighter tints than the main color. Then identify them on the cells randomly.

Color the mosaic on the messages the same fashion.

coloration of the mosaic coloration of the mosaic coloration of the mosaic

Wow! Nosotros're Finished!

We did a cracking chore, and I hope you liked the procedure. Savor and share your result!

final image final image final image


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