what are good weaknesses to say during an interview

Are you prepared to discuss your weaknesses during a task interview? One of the trickiest interview questions to respond is, "What is your greatest weakness?" This question is challenging because it's like shooting fish in a barrel to answer in a way that comes off as dishonest ("I have no weaknesses!") or disqualifying ("I am bad at this ane skill that'southward an absolute must-have for this job.")

There are ways to respond finer and strategies y'all can utilise to best respond the question, and so the weaknesses you mention don't bear on your adventure of getting the job.

Why Interviewer Enquire Nigh Weaknesses

So why exercise hiring managers ask this question during job interviews? In short, because they can't become a consummate picture show of you as a candidate past merely talking about your strengths.

In addition to learning well-nigh what yous can do, the interviewer wants to know almost what you lot tin't practice, or what you accept difficulty with on the job.

How you answer will also help the interviewer sympathize how well you know yourself, as well as whether you would be a expert fit for the role. Information technology also shows the interviewing that you know that nobody is perfect, and that you're willing to work to improve your skills and excel.

How to Reply Interview Questions Virtually Weaknesses

What should you talk about when y'all're asked what you tin improve? Weaknesses are tricky to talk about, and then yous demand to exist conscientious when sharing examples of yours. Yous don't want to knock yourself out of contention for the task because the interviewer thinks you're not qualified. You also don't want to meet every bit too arrogant and perfect, because almost nobody is.

You do want your reply to be honest, but as positive as possible. Exist conscientious when you answer questions near weaknesses (and strengths), and yous'll be able to bear witness how you lot're a good fit for the job.

Focus on steps you lot are taking to amend on your weaknesses, and avoid mentioning weaknesses in skills that are important for the chore.

If y'all think carefully about the job ahead of time and prepare an respond, you volition be able to remain positive while nevertheless being honest.

Examples of weaknesses for interviews

The Remainder

List of Weaknesses

What are the all-time weaknesses to mention during an interview? There are dissimilar categories of weaknesses that you can choose from when answering interview questions nearly your shortcomings.

Nonetheless, do not choose a weakness at random. Instead, make sure the 1 you select is not critical to the job, and mention in your interview the ways yous program to amend upon this weakness.

Hard Skills

You might mention a hard skill as your weakness. Difficult skills are job-specific abilities that are hands quantifiable. They are developed through school and other forms of training. Examples of hard skills include computer skills, finance, mathematics, and more.

If yous decide to mention a hard skill, brand sure it is not a skill necessary for the task.

If it is a skill that is easy to larn, you might also mention that you are currently developing that skill (or that you plan to develop that skill). For case, if you say your weakness is a particular software program, you lot might say that you are currently taking an online form on how to use the program (of course, only say this if it is true).

Some examples of hard skills yous might mention when answering an interview question almost your weaknesses are:

  • Advanced mathematics
  • Artistic writing
  • Financial literacy
  • Foreign languages (or ane particular foreign language)
  • A item software package
  • Spelling

Soft Skills

Soft skills are of import for almost every chore. Unlike hard skills, these are skills that are hard to quantify. They embrace your personality traits, your communication abilities, and your social skills.

While they are important, you could pick out i soft skill to mention as a weakness. But make sure information technology is not necessary for the chore, and emphasize how yous are working on improving that skill.

Some soft skills you lot might mention when answering questions about your weaknesses include:

  • Inventiveness (many jobs don't require inventiveness)
  • Delegating tasks (if y'all're non in a management role, you won't need to delegate)
  • Sense of humour (it'southward fine if you're not funny)
  • Spontaneity (you piece of work improve when prepared)
  • Arrangement
  • Patience
  • Taking too many risks
  • Being too honest

Interpersonal Skills

You might mention a weakness that relates to your ability to collaborate with others. Of course, you want to make certain you don't come up across as someone who can't piece of work well with co-workers. Pick one specific issue you struggle with, and so talk about how you accept worked to improve on this blazon of interaction. Examples of interpersonal skills you might mention as weaknesses include:

  • Confrontation
  • Roofing for co-workers
  • Expecting too much from colleagues
  • Expressing likewise much frustration with underperforming staff or colleagues
  • Presenting to large groups
  • Public speaking
  • Existence also critical of other people'due south piece of work
  • Besides hands internalizing the problems of clients
  • Existence as well sensitive

Work Ethic

You don't want to say that your weakness is that you "work too difficult." This will come across as insincere. Withal, you might explain how you practice sure things in excess at piece of work. This will evidence that y'all work difficult, but it volition be a more honest reply. Examples of weaknesses related to your piece of work ethic might include:

  • Leaving projects unfinished
  • Providing too much detail in reports
  • Shifting from one project to another (multitasking)
  • Taking credit for group projects
  • Taking on too many projects at one time
  • Taking on also much responsibility
  • Beingness too detail-oriented
  • Being too much of a perfectionist
  • Too much procrastination (as long as you lot withal come across all your deadlines)
  • Being too helpful to others
  • Working too many hours


You tin too refer to an academic skill or ability every bit a weakness. This is a particularly proficient idea if you are at least a few years out of school, because and so the employer can evaluate you on your work experience rather than your academics.

Of course, don't highlight an academic weakness that is directly relevant to the job. For example, if you are applying for a chore every bit an engineer, don't say your weakness is a detail technology course. Some examples of weaknesses related to academics include:

  • Coursework (a particular course you struggled with)
  • Essay writing (exist sure to emphasize your strength in other forms of writing)
  • Being overly involved in on-campus activities (if a student or recent graduate)
  • Spending also much time on school assignments
  • Standardized tests

What to Say During an Interview

Focus on qualities not necessary for the job. When you consider which weaknesses to mention in an interview, keep in listen that you should focus on qualities that are non fundamental to the requirements of the job for which you are interviewing. For example, if you are applying for a job in accounting, y'all don't want to say your weakness is mathematics.

Go on it positive. It'south important to endeavour and remain positive. You might likewise explain how your weakness could be seen as a positive in the job. For example, being very detailed oriented is an nugget for many positions.

While it might seem impossible to practice this in a question near weaknesses, all y'all have to practise is to just avoid using negative words like "weak" and "failure."

Emphasize your programme of action. You should explicate how yous are overcoming (or plan to overcome) your weakness. Information technology is especially useful when your weakness is a difficult skill that can be easily learned. You might even phrase your reply every bit, "I skill I am currently working on…"

Share your strengths. Also as existence prepared to mention weaknesses, it's important to talk over the strengths that qualify you for the chore during the interview. Information technology's as well essential to do your best to sell your qualifications to the interviewer, and then you're a strong contender for a job offer.

Be honest. Finally, while you lot desire to be positive, you should also be honest. Answers like, "I don't take any flaws" will come up beyond as insincere.


Source: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/list-of-weaknesses-2063805

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